Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thanksgiving at Noni and Popi's

I went to my Noni and Popi's for Thanksgiving. I had lots of fun. I got to see my Noni and my Popi and my Uncles Matthew and Jeremy and my Aunt Emily. We played with stacking cups and a yummy plastic star. I practiced standing up and crawled (sort of) all over my Noni. My Popi hung me upside down and it was really fun. We went over to my great Aunt and Uncle's for dinner where I met several of my cousins, including my cousin Grayson (well, she is really my second cousin once removed or something) she is about six months younger than me.
After watching everybody else eat, it was my turn. I was so tired that I fell asleep while eating and slept right through everyone playing a crazy game of Catch Phrase.